Is Cardonio a Scam?


The question always comes to mind, whatever the product or deal may be, especially during these times when information flow has become efficient and accessible to any individual who may have good or bad intentions. More so when it comes to financial deals as they involve direct exchange of currencies that now travel at the speed of light and made available through an efficient worldwide banking or financial network right at the next corner in any town via a convenience-shop’s teller machine. This modern convenience does have its ups and downs. You have the right to ask the question and to know the truth.


Cardonio does not merely deal with material or ideal objects but essentially with people who have precious lives to live, dear families to take care of, and important jobs or businesses to manage. Although there are individuals who find satisfaction in making life for others difficult, if not miserable, majority of people work hard to make life for others more convenient, as well as to build of this world a more comfortable place for all. Cardonio believes that having the convenience and freedom of undertaking one’s financial needs wherever one may be in the part of the world, at home or travelling abroad, is an advantage that our modern life has allowed us to achieve in order to free us from worries, as well as from dishonest parties who may come our way.


Cardonio allows the customer to use their card to make any payment against their cryptocurrency with a 90-day period to cover the expense. This allows the customer the advantage of keeping their account liquid while waiting for the maturity date. It also gives the advantage of gaining some profits from the increase in the exchange rate between one’s currency, say GBP to USD, on the transaction. All this is done without the customer being charged with fees or mark-ups, as in most credit card facilities. This alone should convince us that the risk is entirely upon the service-provider and not on the holder.


Cardonio aims to ride the flow of renewed global confidence in financial growth. Whatever obstacles may come along the way, it is ready and capable of protecting its customers and providing them with solutions that will help them achieve financial peace-of-mind, confidence and growth.


For best Crypto Airdrop, check details here

Bowman Offshore Bank Transfers: 7 Emerging Economies That Could Make You Rich

7 Emerging Economies That Could Make You Rich

Wealth through value creation. Opportunity from solving problems. That is what business and entrepreneurship is about, and right now we live in the best time in the history of man to start a business. However, the opportunity to start a business is not in the old world – Europe, the US, The West.


The west is broken, the examples are too numerous to list, and the writing is on the wall. Plenty of other intelligent emerging entrepreneurs and investors are all saying the same thing: the party is over in the west. If you want to get rich: go east young man. Guys like Jim Rogers and Marc Faber, and the infamous Simon Black (who, for the record, is a real person – an intelligent and authentic international investor, but orders very girly drinks at the bar…)


In case you aren’t convinced…


Writing. On. Wall.


You don’t have to go down with the sinking ship. You have the ability and the freedom to change your location, pioneer into a new, fresh economy. With a bit of planning you can plant a flag in an emerging economy. Here are 7 that should be on your radar.




Thailand is South East Asia for tourists. It is unlikely you will catch a glimpse of the Real Thailand during your first, second, or even third trip. Indeed, many places are like this, but Thailand has an outer shell that caters specifically to tourists. What I’m driving at is that when you go to a place like Phuket, or Krabi – you can have a good time, but there isn’t a good business to start there, you probably will meet a bunch of bogan aussie tourists, and then return home.


Overall you just won’t get to experience the REAL Thailand.


Unlike the other places on this list, Thailand is a place where people go mostly to vacation, not in search of opportunity. There is plenty of business opportunity in Thailand, you just need to know where to look, and you absolutely have to know the right people. Thai laws surrounding business are complicated and restrictive to foreign investment for the most part.


Company Law in Thailand | Amity Law


However, the laws have subtle details that allow attuned and well-connected businessmen to succeed. For instance foreigners are restricted to 49% ownership of companies – BUT there is a provision in the law which allows for Americans to own a different type of company, and own %100 of a business (with other restrictions, such as amount of shareholders and restricted business types) through a provision in the Amity treaty – sometimes called an “Amity Company” for short. However, you can’t own land with this company, and in almost cases you will not be allowed to own land in a company where you are a majority shareholder unless you have specific permission from the Board of Investment (BOI). Navigating business law in a foreign country is not for the meek, but it is extremely important to set up your business with a proper foundation of incorporation.




Burma is a country that is exploding with opportunity right now. Strategically situated between China and India, Myanmar finally opened up last spring to a wave of foreign investment. I know a person who made $50,000 his first week in the country, he hadn’t even incorporated yet and people were literally throwing cash at him for the services he could provide (which, by the way, he had never done before in his life before he set foot in the country).


Myanmar will undergo extreme growth over the next few decades as it catches up with the rest of SE Asia. Popular plays include serviced hotels and offices, legal services, tax services, any type of service will be in high demand. The entire value chain is up for grabs, and almost every private equity investor I meet is doing something in Burma, or currently searching for investment opportunities there. If you want to see how to set up a company in Burma, see this article, or leave a message with Jessica.




Bring your jacket, its freaking cold here, but there is tons of opportunity in Mongolia. The country is growing at over 15% per year. That is insane growth, but its being fueled by a commodity boom. Time will tell if the country can also shift resources to other sectors. I quite like this emerging markets interview about the country and entrepreneurs who have gone there to set up shop.


In many emerging economies, it takes a leap of faith to leave the comfort of home in search of something better. You have to be willing to live like no one else is willing now, so you can live like no one else can, later.




Everyone I talk to that has cash to spend on Emerging markets is going, has been, or is considering Africa – but they aren’t sure on the timing. With 60% of the world’s arable land, it’s an obvious choice. You have to be careful about what country you go into, and I highly recommend that you find a local partner on the ground. This is important in any of these locations, but Africa in particular due to language barriers in many countries. I met some entrepreneurs the other day who are getting funding from the Middle East to build secure car parks in strategic locations in Ethiopia.




This is a sleeper pick. You can get permanent residency in Paraguay rather easily, and even citizenship, and the country has a large amount of cheap and fertile farmland. Great place for many different types of flags. Less expensive than Ecuador or Uruguay due in part to its landlocked location, Paraguay is somewhat undeveloped – which places it in a great place for growth over the coming years.


Particularly when food shortages in other countries in South America, Paraguay could see its exports rise, and farmland appreciate in value.


Sri Lanka


If Paraguay was a sleeper pick, this is a more obvious choice. Coming off a recent civil war which decimated the country’s economy for decades, Sri Lanka has a need for basic services. For instance, only 10% of the people in this country own a smart phone. Huge opportunity in Sri Lanka in almost every sector. Very similar to Myanmar in that respect, except because Sri Lanka is not strategically located between other emerging markets, most businesses would likely be a play on the local market IN Sri Lanka. Due to the poor population, you would be wise to pick a basic need first and then go up the value chain. However it is clear that Sri Lanka needs a lot of help, and those who are able to solve problems in this country will be rewarded with ample compensation.




You could easily miss this country, or visit for a short trip and immediately dismiss it outright. However, the Philippines are where a surprising amount of stuff goes down. There is opportunity in many different sectors, and it’s not difficult to penetrate into the inner circle of key players who run the country with a few connections and a little bit of money. You’ll find scuba guys on vacation, expats, and the special type of entrepreneur building a business in an emerging economy leveraging currency arbitrage.


These guys have been around the block a few times and understand that there is hidden opportunity in the Philippines that you might not catch at first glance. For starters, in terms of value, Pinoy are perhaps the very best workers in the entire world. You won’t find a first rate python programmer or slick designer – but for basic human labor, there is a virtually unlimited supply. The most popular businesses are call centers, and outsourcing centers. Dollars go very, very far when converted into PHP.

The Complete Guide to Offshore Banking by Bowman Offshore Bank Transfers


This guide covers how you put your money into banks and institutions around the world and is a good primer to the world of offshore banking.


As a disclaimer, this is not financial advice, nor does this article instruct you in any way. It is simply information that you may take or leave. We are not responsible for any gains or losses, nor are we responsible for what you do with this information.


Note that with the recent Panama Papers revelation in 2016 that’s taken the world by storm, there’s a LOT more scrutiny on offshore banking and it’s very likely that banking regulations (especially in the EU and North America) will undergo changes to make it more difficult to ‘hide’ money.


Hiding Your Money Overseas…Offshore Bank Accounts?


If you are thinking about offshore banking to remain anonymous, then you may be disappointed. For example, if you are looking into a tax scam where you hope to hide money from your own government, then it is very difficult.


The first reason it is difficult is because the US and Europe have signed deals with independent banks that allows them to look into peoples accounts, which means your secret Swiss or Cuban bank account is not as secret as you thought it was.


The second reason is because the US and UK (especially) have sophisticated monitoring technology that gives them secret and semi-legal access to computers around the world. This means your secret money is rarely as secret or safe as you would like.


You should also remember that some companies and banks are not as stable or secure abroad. There are some banks that will take your money and you have no legitimate way of getting it back or punishing those that stole from you.


When Is It A Good Idea To Put Money Abroad?


Some people do it because they earn better interest abroad. Some do it because it is safer in foreign banks. Some do it because they want to keep a certain amount in a certain currency, and some do it to hide their money from loved ones or business partners. Some people put money in offshore accounts so they may legally buy things or spend money. For example, some put money into foreign accounts so they may play online poker. Some people travel abroad frequently to the point where it is cheaper to keep money in a certain currency in a certain country.


A government agency may easily discover the money you have hidden, but even with a good lawyer, there is no way your spouse or business partner will find out where you have hidden your money.


How Much Do You Have To Deposit?


There are many offshore banks that will require a substantial first deposit before they allow you to open an account. Even banks that allow their home-turf citizens to open account for free may still demand that you make a $1000+ deposit before opening your account. Do your research into how much deposit you need to pay before you start making plans to open your account.


How Much Are The Fees?


They are going to vary from bank to bank and from country to country. There are some banks that will charge you higher fees because you are not living in the country where the bank is located. Standard bank fees are not so much of a worry. Your main concern should be partially hidden fees, such as withdrawal and transaction fees.


What About Tax In The Offshore Bank’s Country?


In most cases, you are going to have to pay tax on the interest you make. There are few countries that will allow you to earn interest in their country without paying tax. You need to double and triple check to see if you will need to pay tax, and how much you will need to pay. If a country does not impose tax in the interest you earn, then you have to ask yourself why. Is it because the banks and/or the country is going to go bust at some point soon?


International Banking Insurance


Most developed countries have some sort of regulatory body that protects your money with a form of insurance. In the US, it is the FDIC (Deposit Insurance Coverage), and in the UK, it is the FSCS (Financial Services Compensation Scheme).


If you lose money up to a certain amount through fraud and other things of that nature, there is a good chance they will refund and/or replace your money up to a certain point. The banks and companies that do “not” offer this sort of protection are often able to offer higher rates of interest.


Can I Use Online Banking?


There are very few legitimate offshore banks that only operate offline. There are still some, but most offshore banks will have an online banking option. This means you can conduct transactions and check your account online. There are certain restrictions with some countries where you are not allowed to access your bank websites, but most people use VPN (virtual private network) services to get around that.


For example, if you have an account in China and they won’t let you access your account from the US, you use a VPN service and use a server in China. The bank’s computers think you are browsing from China, so they allow you access to your bank account.


Legitimate Banks Will Undertake Due Diligence


This means they will need proof of your identity and where you are getting your money from. If you are looking for a sneaky bank where you are looking to hide money from the government, then they will be less interested in due diligence matters. If a bank is offering you a seemingly unreasonable amount of security and privacy, then be wary. There are many legal factions and many government factions that are unable to find out if you have cash hidden abroad, but most developed countries have aggressive ways of finding out how much money you have sent abroad.


Do not forget that shady and illegitimate banks are not just for people trying to hide money. Many times, they are used by scammers to collect money from the people they have swindled. This leaves the banks in a very precarious position where sometimes it is better to close down rather than take the heat from the government authorities that are coming after them. These banks are often brass plate banks, where it is in their interest to close down and set up somewhere else rather than face police and government problems and pressure.


Brass plate banks are banks with very few assets and often with very few staff members. They sometimes only deal with foreigners, and many times, they are not open to the public. They are usually located in offices.


Ask Directly If the Bank Will Do What You Need


You can read all the small print, but it is often better to ask questions outright, rather than try to find an answer in their paperwork. The reason is because sometimes they do not mention things in their paperwork. Sometimes they have their own unwritten rules, or their own policies that are not clearly explained or defined in their paperwork.


For example, you may wish to make purchases in countries that your government has imposed sanctions on. The country in which you have opened your account may not have such sanctions, and so you may feel safe in buying the products. However, the offshore bank may not allow you to make such purchases because “your” country has imposed sanctions and the bank doesn’t want to appear complicit in your breaking of “your” country’s law.


Another common example is where people set up offshore accounts so they may gamble online. They then discover that even though the offshore bank is in a country where online gambling is legal, they will not allow your bank account to be used for online gambling (even though they allow their other bank users to gamble online).


Ask their customer service department and/or their advisors if they are able to fulfill your needs before you open your account. Try to get something in writing too, such as a confirmation by email. This is because it is not uncommon for banks to tell you that they allow online gambling with your account, but then decide they do not because they didn’t check which country you live in. Or, they say you are allowed to gamble online, but only allow you to gamble on certain websites and freeze your account when they see deposits made to other gambling companies.


Canada Is A Good Place to Start


Have you considered Canada as your first place for an offshore bank. If Canadian banks meet your needs, it is very easy to get an account. You can take a trip up there with your paperwork and open an account by walking into a branch. Usually, it is as easy as that if you are from the US or Europe. Check to see what information and documents you need to take, and walk into a branch to open an account.


There are numerous other European countries where it is just as easy to open an offshore account, but Canada is closer, and their banks are very accustomed to opening accounts for people from the US. Just be sure to get an appointment prior to making your trip because some banks will insist on an appointment.


Opening Your Account Online


There are a great many banks that will allow you to open an account online, but you have to be very careful when you do it. For example, you may take the example above and decide to open an account in Canada. You look it up on the Internet and see that it says, “Open an account here” or something similar. So, you click to open your account and it goes through, and all seems okay…right?


Wrong. Some banks will require a personal visit in order to open an account. Some banks (legitimate ones) will need to see you in person to open an account. If they allow you to open one online, it may be that you have actually opened an account with a US branch or with a partner of the bank (which is not what you wanted).


Some banks will allow you to partially open your account online. They will then ask for a visit at some point, or they will send you applications in the mail or via email. You may have to photocopy or scan certain documents, and provide access to your information in your own country, and the process can take between two weeks and a month.


Credit Cards and Your Credit Rating


Your credit rating is a tricky business. Sometimes it is all about your credit rating in the country where you have opened your account, and sometimes your credit rating appears to merge with that of your own country. As for credit cards, those too are a trick subject when it comes to your credit rating. Usually, they have a positive effect on your credit rating if you pay them off quickly. However, if you gamble with them, they may be viewed as irregular use and may affect your ability to get further credit. This applies to credit cards you get domestically and overseas. There are also many banks that will not allow you to gamble with the money from your credit card, and some may freeze your account if they see you making deposits to gambling websites with your credit card.


Banks That Demand a Large Turnover


There are some banks that will allow you to open an account on the understanding that your account wills turnover a certain amount of money every term (usually every year). If the amount of turnover they ask for is a large amount, it is highly recommended that you open the account in person. It is mostly a security issue, since you want to be as sure as possible that the bank is real, and that you are passing your information (and eventually your money) over to the right people.


Do I Need A Minimum Balance?


There are some banks that will require you to maintain a minimum balance in your account. If you do not, then you are charged either a higher fee than your usual fee, or a cumulative charge fee (the same as if you overdraw your bank balance). The bank may offer free overseas accounts, but start charging you a fee if you do not maintain a certain set of minimum balances.


Expat guide: Offshore deposits by Bowman Offshore Bank Transfers

 Pounds coins stacked up


We all work hard for our money, whether we are living and working in the UK, or overseas as an expat. But the key ingredient to successful money management is often missing: we fail to make our money work hard enough.


So, if you are one of those people who just let your salary sit in an account paying paltry interest, then you need to start looking at how to make your money do more for you.


Our guide to offshore deposits takes you step by step through choosing the right account and making sure you continue to get the best deal.


Know what you need


The first thing you need to do before deciding what type of account you want is to ask yourself what you need that account to do.


When doing that, you should consider all of the following points:


  • Do you need to visit the bank regularly?
  • Can you use internet access for an account?
  • Are you happy with using a bank you have never heard of?
  • Can you afford to have your money tied up for a period of time or do you need instant access?
  • Do you need to hold your money in a different currency to the one you are paid in?
  • How do you want your interest paid?
  • Are you subject to tax in a jurisdiction where you are not resident?
  • How safe will your money be in the account?
  • For most expats, choosing an offshore account will be the most sensible option when the answers to these questions are taken into account, as you have more control over how the tax on the interest is paid.


If you can allow the interest in the account to roll up without the tax being taken off at source each time, then you will benefit from a higher return. But you need to be careful to ensure you are not breaching any tax regulations.


There are a variety of accounts available to expats, and while this means you have a wide choice, it can make for a bewildering array of options. You should research the type of account that will work best for you. Here are some options:


No-notice accounts


These accounts allow you to access your money at any time, without giving the bank prior notice. You will often receive a lower rate of interest than you would on an account that ties your money up for a period of time. But this is not always the case, so compare them carefully.


Notice accounts


As you can guess from the name, you have to give the bank a period of notice before you can withdraw your money without penalty.


In most cases you can withdraw your money in an emergency without giving the specified notice period; but, at the very least, you will suffer interest penalties.


Generally, you will have to give 30 days, 60 days or 90 days’ notice of withdrawal from these accounts; in return you should get a higher rate of interest.


Currency accounts


It is possible to hold your savings in specific currencies, such as pounds sterling, euro or the US dollar. Choosing these accounts can improve the interest you receive, and mean you hold your money in the same currency you are paid in or have to spend.


Multi-currency accounts allow you to switch currencies, which can help reduce exchange fees if you have income and expenditure in different currencies.


Monthly interest


Most accounts pay interest annually, but if you would prefer to receive your interest more regularly, perhaps to augment your income, then you can use a monthly interest account.


The advantage of this is that the interest will sit in your account, if you do not withdraw it as income, and will build up each month, rather than coming as a lump sum at the end of the year.


The interest rates on these accounts are usually slightly lower than the equivalent annual interest accounts.


This is calculated to take into account the additional interest you will accumulate on the monthly payments (interest on the interest) to ensure you do not receive more overall than an annual interest customer.


Fixed-interest accounts/bonds


These offer a fixed rate of interest, usually higher than elsewhere, provided you leave your money in the account for a set period of time, which can be anything from one year to five years. You can sometimes make withdrawals within strict rules. If you withdraw money outside these, you face losing all the interest you would have earned. You should never sign up to an account like this if there is even a small chance you could need your money outside the permitted allowances.


Deferred interest accounts


If you would prefer to tell the bank when you want your interest paid, for tax purposes, use a deferred interest account. In most cases, the interest on these accounts would automatically be paid when it is closed, unless you ask the bank to pay your interest at a specific time – perhaps when your other income has fallen and you want to take advantage of paying a lower amount in tax.


Compare Bank Accounts


Once you know what you need, you must find the accounts that offer you those services. This has been made a lot simpler thanks to the comparison services, such as, which are now available on the internet.


You can look at everything – what the account's rate is, whether it is fixed for a period of time, how you can access the account, whether any additional bonus is applied to the interest rate for a period of time – and compare the benefits of different accounts.


The bonus rate is particularly important, as banks will often add a bonus to a standard interest rate to get the account to the top of the best-buy tables, but when the bonus expires the rate may be pedestrian at best.


There is no reason to avoid the accounts that have a bonus rate added – you may as well get the extra while it is on offer. But always make a diary note of when the bonus expires, and then check the rates on offer again to see if you can move your money to a better paying account.


As an expat, you should consider using an offshore account based in a jurisdiction that has a high level of consumer protection. The key areas are the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, and often their banks are subsidiaries of onshore banks that are household names.


It is vital you understand what protection you would get from each regime if your bank fails – something few of us worried about before the banking crisis.


Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man all have depositor protection schemes that will pay out the first £50,000 of any savings deposited with a bank within their jurisdiction. Gibraltar will pay out 100 per cent of the amount deposited up to €50,000.


In the European Economic Area, the minimum deposit protection is €50,000, although Cyprus, the Netherlands and, from January 1, 2011, Ireland have increased protection to €100,000.


However, you should always check the depositor protection scheme for the bank you are interested in, as these limits can change at any time.


Find Out How to Apply


Once you have decided on an account, you need to apply for it. If you have a branch of the bank nearby, it may be easiest to call in to complete the relevant forms. That way, you can present the information the bank needs to establish who you are and where you live – usually a passport or driving license with a photo, and utility bills sent to your address within the past three months.


Of course, for many expats this is not possible, so you will have to open the account by post or online. You will still need to provide proof of identity, and usually the banks will not accept photocopies, as these are easy to doctor.


Call the bank using the relevant numbers online, and ask for the details and any paperwork you would need to open the account you want. Always check with the bank what its policy is before you send your documents through the post – and make sure you send them by registered or recorded delivery, so if they go missing you will have an idea of where they have gone astray.


Many banks will allow you to go through the account-opening process online now – Alliance & Leicester International have one of the most sophisticated online facilities – but, even so, you will have to prove who you are, so the bank complies with money laundering rules.


Read the Terms and Conditions


It is always tempting to throw the bumf you get from banks into a drawer, never to be looked at again, but if you do not know what terms are applied to your account, you could end up losing out. Yes, reading these documents can be very dull, but ignoring them can leave you open to unexpected problems.


Banking literature is never easy to get through, but remember: if it is hard to understand, that is most likely to be the area where you are going to get caught out. Make sure you read the small print and don't get stung by the banks because of your ignorance.


It works the other way too. Knowledge is power, and if you know what the bank should be offering, you can make sure it keeps its end of the bargain.

Transfer your Money


If you are transferring money from another account into the one you have just opened – and most people will be – then you have to make arrangements to do this with your existing bank.


If you want to close the account where the money is currently held, you will need to instruct the bank and fill in any necessary paperwork.


This can be easier in some countries than in others, and if you are planning on leaving a country and you want to close the account and have the money transferred before you go, give yourself plenty of time. The UK banking system is, believe it or not, relatively efficient at such requests. If you are dealing with banks in other countries, they may not act so quickly.


In any case, if you are leaving a country and closing accounts, make sure the accounts are closed before you leave to avoid any problems, such as having to go back to sign a document to release funds.


If you returning to the UK from Australia, for example, this could be an expensive mistake.




Tax for expats can be phenomenally complicated, and there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution, so the best thing is to get advice that is specific to the country you are living in and to your circumstances.


The one thing you cannot do with tax is ignore it.


The UK HM Revenue & Customs is cracking down hard on tax evasion by expats, where people have held money offshore and not declared it to the UK tax office.


The powers HMRC now has to force banks to provide details of customers are extensive and, with the announcement in the Comprehensive Spending Review that a further £900 million will be used to tackle tax and benefit fraud, things are only going to get tougher.


It is only fair that you pay the right tax. If you have a bank account offshore and you are subject to tax in the UK, then you must declare it.


The European Savings Directive came into effect in 2005, and gives you the option of having a withholding tax automatically applied to your savings by the EU member state in which you reside, or the institution holding your money will pass on information on the interest you have been paid to the UK tax authorities. Switzerland, Jersey Guernsey and the Isle of Man, although not part of the EU, have put equivalent voluntary measures in place.


Depending on where you hold your account, you may not have this choice – some areas have a default option of the withholding tax.


You need to check with the bank holding your account to be sure what measures apply.

Monitor the Rate at which you’re being paid


Banks are famous for getting your money through the door with a tempting rate, then cutting it while you are not looking. So play them at their own game – check the rate regularly and vote with your feet if you are not getting what you want.

Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review: Tips on using artworks for a good company culture

Using the beauty of artworks in your office or owned building can attract a lot of positive feelings. It can really add to the satisfaction of your employees, visitors, and customers. This is also for the purpose of improving your company’s culture using artworks. This specific isn’t just for big corporations because each and every business must have a good company culture.

As the business owner, you should start some changes in your office design if it feels empty or boring. Make sure to put “choosing good artworks for the office” on your to-do list. See to it that each piece can draw a positive feeling. You could begin with pleasing photographs, pops of color, or encouraging art to provide some good aura in your place for the benefit of each person entering your office. Different studies of some experts show that placing artworks in the workplace can increase creativity as well and give a more enthusiastic feeling to the people.

Here are some simple tips prepared by the trusted Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants to help business owners or people in charge of designing their office with beautiful artworks:


You should know what kind of feeling you wanted to show in every artwork. When a person enters a specific area in your office building, what emotions you wanted to convey through the artworks? It could be the feeling of happiness, content, hope, kindness, or other positive emotions. Know the feeling and start from there. Getting the professional help of an art consultant could also contribute a lot to the positive outcome of your selection.


You can also represent your brand through artworks. Choose a piece that could exhibit the nature of your business to the people. For example, if your business offers innovative and modern brands or service, then you should pick artworks with the same theme. As mentioned before, the expert help of an art consultant could greatly benefit you because of their genuine experience and knowledge to the business of art. Make your clients or aspiring employees have an idea what your business is all about with its artworks once they come in your office.


The most important thing is that you should listen to the opinions of other people as well, especially the employees. Consider their preferences on the same level as the advice of your art consultant, or you can tell your consultant about their likings and the both of you can work it out.

One method that Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants sees as a simpler way to know their opinions and tastes is performing a detailed survey. If the results show that a lot of people are in favor of having a relaxing nature scenes or photographs, you must choose artworks with the similar concept. Talk about it with your art consultant to get better outcomes. There’s a high possibility of employees being more enthusiastic about their work once they see their preferred artworks around the office building.

Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants is one among the many trusted and respected art consulting services that offer professional and brilliant art advice. If you want a more detailed discussion regarding those tips mentioned above, don’t hesitate to contact Devin.

Tokyo MK Taxi: Stress-free Travel – Here’s How

Planning your travel properly can save you money and can make your vacation free of stress. Here are some of the best practices for planning your trip abroad.


Activities and attraction destinations


Where do you want to go? What places do you want to visit abroad? Activities you like?


List the things you want to ‘see’ and ‘do’ on your vacation. This may seem the easiest step of all but it is important to make sure to be clear on this one so you could plan your expenses well.




There are so many factors to consider in choosing a place to stay. Do a lot of research, read reliable reviews and make sure to choose a hotel that will not only fit your budget but isn’t a total dive.


Cost-effective and time-efficient transit


If you plan on renting a car or hiring a chauffeured service upon arrival, it is best to plan those details in advance. Choose the most cost-effective and time-efficient way to piece all the places in your itinerary together. Renting a car can give you a lot of stress especially on the paper works and can take up so much time, thus it is best to hire a chauffeur service to efficiently maximize your time having fun and minimize time in transit.


You can trust Tokyo MK Taxi as you preferred chauffeur service across Japan, Korea and the United States. If you wish to travel with comfort and style, Tokyo MK Taxi features Lexus group enthusiasts’ luxurious sedans like Lexus LS600hL and Lexus LS460, a wonderful ride for your ideal trip.


Start packing and prepare your travel documentation


Start packing early and pack lightly. Take only the essentials and leave items you absolutely won’t need. Moreover, make sure you have all the necessary documentation to travel. Don't leave things for the last minute preparation. Or else, you could find your travel plans blocked because you didn't plan in advance.


Stay safe and enjoy!


If you plan your trip with care and detail then you are more likely to have a truly wonderful vacation so enjoy and live in the moment!

Tokyo MK Taxi: Technologische Integratie om u Beter Te Dienen

Vervoer is een essentiële behoefte aan mensen voor eeuwen altijd geweest. Mensen maken gebruik van diverse verschillende wijzen van vervoer door de jaren heen. Vandaag, is het meest populaire transport voertuig huur taxi's. Of u een vervoer naar de luchthaven of een lokale plaatsen rond de stad moet, kan een taxi uw transit behoeften vervullen. Het beste ding over het inhuren van een taxi is dat het laat u achterover leunen en ontspannen als u niet hoeft te vrezen voor het verkeer, de verkeerstekens en de routebeschrijving naar uw bestemming.

Als gevolg van de technologische vooruitgang, heeft online taxi boeken ontstaan. De geboorte van dit soort diensten maakte het mogelijk voor iedereen om te huren een taxi online zonder de noodzaak om hun kostbare tijd te verspillen. Online privé-auto te boeken en PC's (Privé Chauffeur Service) geboekt Tokyo MK Taxi om hun klanten beter te dienen over de hele wereld. De geboorte van geolocation technologie speelde een belangrijke rol in de groei en de populariteit van hun dienst in de Verenigde Staten, Japan en Korea.

Tokyo MK Taxi's online reserveren is net zo makkelijk als taart en vereist geen speciale kennis met zijn gebruiksvriendelijke interface die met een paar eenvoudige stappen werkt. Terwijl de toepassing van hun PC's kan worden gebruikt om te zoeken en het huren van een taxi beschikbaar is in de buurt van uw locatie.

Bijvoorbeeld, als u zoekt naar een auto of taxi die u naar uw bestemming krijgt, is alles wat u nodig hebt om online en bezoek Tokio MK Taxi's website. U zal worden gevraagd relevante details en als u akkoord gaat, u binnenkort zal worden verzonden naar de dichtstbijzijnde beschikbare voertuig dat overeenkomt met uw behoeften en voorkeuren van het vervoer. Binnen een korte periode van tijd, zal de MK chauffeur service worden recht aan uw voeten en krijgt naar uw bestemming op tijd.

Afgezien van taxi's, Tokyo MK Taxi functies Lexus groep liefhebbers ook de opties bieden voor het huren van particuliere luxe auto's zoals limos die het best geschikt is voor diverse gelegenheden en evenementen als proms, bruiloften en zakelijke doorvoer.

Onze professionele chauffeurs zijn geschikt voor het verstrekken van een soepele, comfortabele gemakkelijke rit zoals ze zijn ingehuurd om te behandelen u met het grootste respect, beleefdheid, professionalisme, stiptheid, comfort, veiligheid en discretie.